Get urgent help
In a forced marriage emergency, contact these places for urgent help.
If you or someone else is hurt or in danger, call Triple Zero (000).
You can use any phone within Australia, even if it is locked. Triple Zero connects you to the police or ambulance. The local police can help you if you feel unsafe, are hurt or are in danger.
If you or someone else is:
• in a forced marriage,
• being forced to marry, or
• being taken overseas to marry,
call the Australian Federal Police on 131 AFP (131 237).
The Australian Federal Police protects people who are in or at risk of a forced marriage, including people who may be taken overseas.
If you are overseas, be careful about who you contact for help.
You can try contacting the local emergency services in your country, but make sure it is safe for you to do so.
If you are Australian and need urgent consular assistance, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or send an SMS text to +61 421 269 080.