@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro'); @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Slab:600'); h1, h2, h3, h4 { font-family: Roboto Slab, sans-serif !important; } p { font-family: Source Sans Pro, sans-serif !important; }

Contact us

Contacting My Blue Sky is free and confidential

If you don't speak English, we can help you with an interpreter.

We will respond within 48 hours on Mondays to Fridays.


+61 2 9514 8115

(Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm, Sydney time)



or use the 'Contact Us' form below

Contact Us

Get help from My Blue Sky or ask a question. Please provide either your email address or your phone number (or both).


Email Address

Phone Number

How can we help?


No matter what you're going through, you can always reach out to us.

We've helped many people learn about their rights and what support is available. We can help people of all ages, visa statuses, genders, sexualities, ethnicities, cultures, language groups and religions, who are in Australia or have a connection to Australia.

We will keep your information safe and won't tell anyone that you reached out, unless we are required to by the law or to keep you safe from serious danger. You can also contact us through someone you trust, like a teacher or a friend.

Make sure you are in a safe place when contacting us. Learn how you can cover your tracks online.

Need urgent help?

For emergencies, call Triple Zero (000)

If you are worried about a forced marriage or being taken overseas, call the Australian Federal Police on 131 AFP (131 237)

Not sure about contacting us?

Learn what happens when you contact My Blue Sky

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