I'm being forced to marry
I'm worried about a friend or family member
I’m unsure about getting help
I’m a frontline worker
Nobody is allowed to force you to marry. You have rights no matter your age, visa status, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, culture or religion.
What is forced marriage?
A forced marriage is when someone gets married without freely and fully consenting to it. This means they do not have a real choice about whether they get married or not. The person may be pressured by their family or tricked into marrying someone. They may be afraid of someone getting hurt if they say no to the marriage.
If you might be in a forced marriage or are being forced to marry, there is help available. You are not alone.
Forced marriage happens to millions of people around the world, including Australia. We have helped people from many diverse backgrounds across Australia.
Get free and confidential legal advice from My Blue Sky
My Blue Sky is a national forced marriage service run by Anti-Slavery Australia at the University of Technology Sydney. We can help you:
• Find out about your rights and your options
• Apply for a visa and talk to Immigration
• Stay safe through safety plans and court orders
• Take legal action – like getting a divorce
• Find other support – like counselling, housing and financial help
• Make reports to the police, if you want to.
Contact My Blue Sky
If you don't speak English, we can help you with an interpreter.
SMS text
In an emergency? If someone is hurt or in danger,
Call Triple Zero (000) from any phone
Looking for counselling? Try these free and confidential services
(available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

For sexual assault, and domestic and family violence.
Chat online or call 1800 RESPECT

For crisis support and suicide prevention.
Chat online or call 13 11 14

For children and young people aged 5 to 25.
Chat online or call 1800 55 1800